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The option used to calculate the planned production order costs. The option is located in the Operations menu of the Production Control section. The filter options are:



Production Order Number

Group / Range

Production Order Date

Start / End

Production Order Aux. Code

Group / Range

Production Order Auth. Code

Group / Range

Production Order Plant

Defined Plants

Production Order Status

Not Proceeded / Continuing / Stopped / Completed / Closed

Finished Good Code

Group / Range

Finished Good Description

Group / Range

Finished Good Aux. Code

Group / Range

Finished Good Auth. Code

Group / Range

Target Start Date

Start / End

Target End Date

Start / End

Delivery Date

Start / End

Planned Quantity

Quantity range

Planned Start Date

Start / End

Planned End Date

Start / End

Planned Duration

Duration range

Actual Quantity

Quantity range

Actual Start Date

Start / End

Actual End Date

Start / End

Actual Duration

Duration Range

Cost of Input Materials

Last Purchase Price / Last Sales Price / Last Purchase Price (Billed) / Last Sales Price (Billed) / Average of Inputs / Average of on Hand / Periodic Average / LIFO / FIFO / Standard Cost

When calculating production order cost it is possible to consider only billed records. For this, "Last Purchase Price (Billed)" / "Last Sales Price (Billed)" options are used in "Cost of Input Materials" filter line.

Once the production orders of which "standard or actual costs are not posted to G/L" are determined from the production orders meeting the operation filters, the costs of the related production orders are calculated by also processing the value of the Cost of Input Materials filter.

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