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The invoices of the purchase dispatches recorded in the Purchasing section can be issued using various methods. In the LOGO application, billing transactions can be performed using three separate methods:

  • Using Transfer Dispatch option located in the right mouse button menu when the relevant line of the displayed invoice is selected in the Purchase Invoices section of the Transactions menu.
  • Using Bill option located in the right mouse button menu of the Purchase Dispatches list of the Purchase Dispatches section of the Transactions menu.
  • Using Batch Billing option of the Operations menu.

The Dispatches to be billed are specified using the Transfer Dispatch/Receipt option located in the right mouse button menu of the Purchase Invoice. The Dispatch/Receipt Browser window that opens is used to list the dispatches of the trade group to which the invoice belongs, and transfer them into the invoice lines by selecting the First Dispatch/Receipt Date and Last Dispatch/Receipt Date.

The dispatches can be billed one by one using Bill option located in the right mouse button menu of the Purchase Receipts list. In this case, first the dispatch to be billed is selected from the Purchase Receipt list. Then the dispatch information is transferred into the invoice using Batch Billing option located in the Operations menu.

The third method is to use Batch Billing option directly. In this method, the purchase dispatches are transferred into the invoice in batch by setting the conditions. This operation is performed using Batch Billing option located in the Operations menu of the Purchasing section. The dispatches to be billed are specified on the filter lines. The filter options are:



Dispatch/Receipt Type

Purchase Receipt / Consignment Receipt / Purchase Return Receipt / Producer Slip

Dispatch/Receipt Date

Start / End

Dispatch/Receipt No.

Start / End

Dispatch/Receipt Document No.

Start / End

Dispatch/Receipt Aux. Code

Group / Range

Dispatch/Receipt Auth. Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Title

Group / Range

AR/AP Aux. Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Auth. Code

Group / Range


Defined departments


Defined divisions


Defined warehouses

Billing Method

One-to-one billing / By Divisions

Invoice Date

Date entry

Inquire while saving

Yes / No

Trading Group

Group / Range

Payment Type

Without Prepayment / Prepayment

Affects Collateral Risk

Yes / No

Trade Group Should Be Considered

Yes / No

Affects Risk

Yes / No


By AR/AP / By Dispatch/Receipt Number

In order to perform the Batch Billing operation by requested divisions and warehouses, the Division and Warehouse information of the dispatch must be recorded in the Division and Warehouse fields when the dispatches are recorded.

The Invoice Date filter line is used to specify the billing date of the dispatches to be billed in batch. The date specified here is automatically transferred into the invoices.

The Batch Billing operation may be controlled by the user, or individual billing can be performed by divisions, or for the dispatches matching the conditions specified in the filter lines.

The billing method is specified in the Billing Method and Inquire while saving filter lines.

Inquire while saving filter contains two options: Yes and No. When Yes is selected, the invoices containing the lines matching with the conditions specified in the filter lines are displayed one by one. The user can modify the displayed invoice information. Each invoice is individually recorded after confirmation.

When No is selected in Inquire while saving filter line, the dispatches specified in the filter lines are billed without being displayed. The information to be applied to all invoices is entered from the Invoice Defaults window accessed by clicking on OK button.

The following information is recorded on the Invoice Defaults window:

AR/AP Code: If AR/AP code is not specified in the recorded dispatches, the AR/AP Code entered here indicates the AR/AP to which the dispatches will be billed.

Invoice Description: The description entered into this field is applied to all dispatches to be billed in batch. Any changes in invoice information are made by selecting the related invoice in the Purchase Invoices window.

The Start Numbers field located at the bottom of the Invoice Defaults window is used to specify the start numbers for Retail Purchase

Return, Wholesale Return, Retail Purchase and Wholesale invoices. The dispatches are billed by processing the Start Numbers provided here.

Billing Method: This filter line is used to specify the billing method of the dispatches. The filter contains By Divisions and One-to-one billing options.

If the Batch Billing will be performed By Divisions, the dispatches of each AR/AP matching the specified filter conditions are transferred into a single invoice by divisions. The dispatches to be billed can be selected by criteria such as Dispatch/Receipt Date, Dispatch/Receipt Aux. Code, Dispatch/Receipt Document Number and Dispatch/Receipt Auth. Code, or the dispatches of a specific type can be selected in batch with Dispatch/Receipt Type selection.

If the batch billing will be performed with One to one Billing method, each dispatch is separately billed. For purchase dispatches recorded without specifying the AR/AP and requested to be billed, information such as the AR/AP Code of the invoice and the Invoice Description is specified in the Invoice Defaults window. The dispatch information is transferred to the invoice as is in the batch billing process. The information such as the Invoice Details Info and General Ledger Code entered using the options of the Operations menu can be changed using "Update" option.

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