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The back payment plan is applied to credit card slips generated while recording the invoice in sales with credit card. "Apply Credit Card Payment Plan on Payment Transactions" option located in the Sales and Distribution Parameters section is used to perform this transaction automatically.

Once the payment transactions are generated, it is specified whether or not the back payment plans will be applied depending on the default of Apply Insp. Payment Plan on Payment Trans. parameter. If the parameter value is "Yes", the related Back Payment Plan is applied to the payment transactions of which the Payment Type is Credit Card and for which a Back Payment Plan is selected.
If this parameter is "No", the payment plan to be used for Credit Card payments is specified using the Apply Back Payment Plan option located in the right mouse button menu of lines on the Payment Transactions window of Payment slips and invoices with the "credit card" payment type.
In this way, the total credit card payment is divided according to the Back Payment Plan and new payment transactions are generated with the Credit Card payment type.
When the back payment plan is applied, the payment amount can also change in addition to the due dates. This change is originated from the value of the Amount Calculation Parameter defined in the lines of the Back Payment Plan.

  • If the value is of the amount calculation parameter is Gross the amount of the new payment transaction is calculated by applying the formula defined in the line of the Back Payment Plan.
  • If the parameter value is Due Date Difference Commission Included, the Rate defined in the line of the Back Payment Plan is added to the gross amount.


For example, if the payment transaction calculated with the formula is 10.000.000 and the due date difference is 5%, the payment amount is (1+(5/100) *10.000.000) = 10.500.000
1+5)/100*10.000.000 = 10.500.000

If the parameter value is Bank Commission Rates Included, the Service and Point commissions defined in the line of the Back Payment Plan are added (Rate) and the new payment amount is calculated with the Gross Amount/(1-Rate/100) formula.

If the parameter value is Point Commission Included Only, the Point commissions defined in the line of the Back Payment Plan are added (Rate) and the new payment amount is calculated with the Gross Amount/(1-Rate/100) formula.

If the parameter value is Service Commission Included Only, the Service commissions defined in the line of the Back Payment Plan are added (Rate) and the new payment amount is calculated with the Gross Amount/(1-Rate/100) formula.
The transactions on the invoice with the same date, payment type, bank account, point commission, service commission, due date difference commission and transaction currency are combined to generate a single payment transaction.

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