Balance sheet is the financial statement indicating the assets of a company at a specific date, and the resources provided by these assets. Balance Sheet information is recorded using the New option located in General Ledger > Definitions > Financial Statements > Balance Sheet browser. The table is displayed on the Balance Sheet list with table name and description.

The “Update option is used on the related definition to change table information. The Balance Sheet is printed using the “Report” option. The “New” option is used to record report characteristics.

The relevant definition is selected if more than one table is defined for the balance sheet.

Information transferred to the balance sheet is read from the balances of related accounts and reflected as amount on the related fields of the Balance Sheet Report.

The table may cover the information of up to four fiscal periods. Users may add information to the footnotes used on the balance sheet. The balance sheet filter options are



Fiscal Year 1

Used to specify the fiscal year of the table.

Fiscal Year 2

Used to specify the fiscal year of the table.

Fiscal Year 3

Used to specify the fiscal year of the table.

Fiscal Year 4

Used to specify the fiscal year of the table.

Opening Slip

This filter specifies whether or not lines opening slips will be included in table reports or not. The options are:

  • Excluded
  • Included

Report Level

If the definition codes of lines in table definitions are made according to the level structure, various levels of group and sub-group lines and related sub-lines are generated on the report. In addition, there are subtotal and general total, formula and profit/loss lines.
The leveling is performed as;
Level 0 = subtotals and general totals, formulas, profit/loss and lines that are not sub-lines
1st Level = lines that are the sub-lines of only one line
n  level = lines that are sub-lines of n lines.
As a result, the level selected on the filter indicates the level of the last line to be displayed on the table report.


All amounts are calculated and displayed in FC or local currency depending on this filter. Foreign currency amounts are calculated by processing the “Currency Type Exchange Rate" parameter defined in account and account range definitions.

Reporting Currency Exchange Rate

The filter line used to specify the exchange rate of the reporting currency.


This filter specifies whether or not lines with zero amount will be displayed on table reports. The options are:

  • All
  • Processed Lines

Footnote Printing

When “Yes” is selected, user defined footnotes are displayed at the end of the table report.

Corrected Values Printing

The filter option used to list balance sheet values corrected according to inflation. If “Yes" is selected on this filter line, “Local” should be selected on the "Calculation: Local/FC” filter line in order to list corrected values.

Organizational Unit

This filter is used to specify the division for which the financial statement report will be generated.


This filter is used to specify the department for which the financial statement report will be generated.

Analysis Dimension Code

This filter allows amount totals on the table to be calculated according to their analysis dimensions while G/L transactions are performed.
If the analysis dimension code is entered here, the monthly totals related to G/L account cards are not used in local currency and FC amounts.
In this case, the G/L transactions are scanned, and debit, credit, credit balance and debit balance totals are calculated by processing only the transactions that match the analysis dimension code criteria.

Comparison Type

The field used to specify the comparison type. The options are:

  • Periodic
  • Physical

If “Periodic” is selected, the periods specified in fiscal year parameters are compared on the table.
If “Physical” is selected, items specified in the table definition are compared with a selected fiscal year.

G/L Slip No

Used to filter financial table records by the G/L slip number.

Slip Auxiliary Code

Used to filter financial table records by the G/L slip auxiliary code.

Slip Type

Used to filter financial table records by the G/L slip type.